Zhang Ximing, who shot the "evil dragon", was sentenced to life in prison. He is currently serving a sentence in Tainan Prison. So far, he has applied for parole 18 times and has not been granted parole.

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[Reporter Liu Wanjun/Tainan Report] "Evil Dragon" Zhang Ximing, a major shooter involved in several major kidnapping and ransom cases, was sentenced to life imprisonment. He is currently serving a sentence in Tainan Prison. The administrative lawsuit filed against the Corrections Department of the Ministry of Justice was dismissed by the Tainan District Court yesterday (19).

A friend released Zhang Ximing's administrative lawsuit pleadings and petitions on the Internet today.

Zhang Ximing’s friend Shi Zhengyan published an administrative lawsuit pleading on Facebook with a total of 9 pages. Zhang Ximing emphasized in the petition that he applied for the middle school of Nanjian Shude Advanced School three times in prison, but he was not admitted. He passed the middle school with the efforts of self-study Identification test.

Since 2015, he has applied for technical training courses and selected out-of-prison assignments 2 or 30 times, but he has not been accepted.

During the parole review, based on special precautions, his indoctrination achievements must be carefully evaluated. He took the initiative to apply for "indoctrination", but was treated without indoctrination, and he was unable to accept the evaluation.

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The petition pointed out that Zhang Ximing has been in prison for 17 years, has no record of violations, and has received several awards and certificates. In the past five years, he has reported 18 times that he was not allowed to be released on parole. In this regard, other inmates with the same sentence have reported the status of parole and approval. Doubt.

The administrative lawsuit preparations also listed in a table the analysis of the number of parole submissions and approval times for 6 life sentence inmates in Taichung, Tainan, Penghu and other prisons.

The petition finally hopes that the Corrections Department should give those who repent and hope to return to society a fair chance.

When the Tainan District Court rejected Zhang Ximing's administrative lawsuit yesterday, it pointed out that Zhang Ximing's performance in prison was only "able" to allow the inmate to pass parole, not necessarily the inmate's parole. Considering Zhang Ximing's failure to reconcile with the victim, and some serious crimes he committed , the Corrections Department did not pass parole, which is within the scope of its authority, so it rejected Zhang Ximing's complaint.