A fire broke out in a chemical factory in Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City. The fire department dispatched 51 vehicles and 103 people to rescue the fire. It took about 5 hours to put out the fire. Fortunately, no one was injured.

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[Reporter Chen Wenchan / Kaohsiung Report] A fire broke out in a chemical factory in Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City. The fire department dispatched 51 vehicles and 103 people to rescue it. The fire burned violently for about 5 hours before it was extinguished. In the air, but because the warehouse caught fire and burned, not the factory's process negligence, the Environmental Protection Bureau will decide whether to impose a penalty in accordance with the Air Pollution Law after the fire station investigation and appraisal report is released.

A fire broke out at a chemical factory on Gangshan North Road, Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City at about 1 am this morning. The warehouse suddenly caught fire and burned. The fire department dispatched 51 vehicles and 103 people to rescue the warehouse. There are 30 employees in the factory.

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After investigation, the factory was manufacturing kraft paper, double-sided tape and various types of adhesive tapes, and the warehouse stored a large amount of double-sided tape and other PVC and other finished products and raw materials. It was extinguished at 5:24, but fortunately no one was injured.

The Environmental Protection Bureau stated that after the factory fire broke out, the air quality was monitored downwind. The technical team of the Environmental Protection Department conducted atmospheric sampling and analysis at the fire scene and found no abnormality. The wind was northerly and northeasterly at the time, and the contamination group spread to the sea near Ziguan Oyster House. , the sensors located next to the fire and the nearby sensors at the leeward have relatively high values, which have slowed down at around 3:00 in the morning, and the empty product station has no effect, all of which are good grades.

The Environmental Protection Bureau pointed out that there was obvious particulate pollution on the site, but because the warehouse was on fire, it was not a factory process negligence. It is stipulated that a fine of 100,000 to 5 million yuan can be imposed.

The Environmental Protection Bureau calls on the factory to properly manage the equipment. If the public finds any abnormal situation, they can call the Environmental Protection Bureau's public nuisance hotline at 07-7317600, and the Environmental Protection Bureau will arrive at the scene as soon as possible.

A fire broke out at a chemical factory in Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City today.

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A large area of ​​the warehouse was burned, and firefighters distributed water lines to rescue the fire to prevent the burning from spreading, and 30 employees in the factory were evacuated.

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A fire broke out in a chemical factory in Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City. The fire department dispatched 51 vehicles and 103 people to rescue the fire. It took about 5 hours to put out the fire. Fortunately, no one was injured.

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