political people

democracy lover

and new generation

They were in great agreement with the party's first campaign policy.

“Advanced Thai Politics” is a political policy that covers the development of democracy in various dimensions, consisting of 4 main themes:

people's soldier

The People's Court, Equal People, and the New Constitution Unlock Thailand

In this event, Khun Pita Limcharoenrat

Progressive party leader

Bring a team of 4 keymen to dissect.

Problems that are deeply ingrained in the political structure have instantly sparked hope for society to be active.

It is therefore not surprising that the Progressive Party is becoming more and more popular.

Today, I would like to focus only on the topic of the new constitution to unlock Thailand.

The main idea is that

The drafting of the People's Constitution by 100% elected MPs

You can bet on the upcoming elections.

Almost all parties have to pick up the constitutional amendment and appoint the House of Representatives as one of their campaign policies.

But which party can we trust?

Some parties have announced the conditions for joining the government that

Big Tu's government will have to amend the constitution to bring the country more democracy.

but has been in the government for almost 4 years, only playing tricks on the people

love democracy but the mouth

It was wrong with the Progressive Party with its strong will.

and expressed steadfastly throughout

Khun Parit Watcharasinthu, communications and campaign manager for the Kaw Klai Party, said that the preparation of the entire constitution is the party's policy in the next election, with 100 MPs from the constituents. % The face of the new constitution must be full democracy.

There are at least 3 things that need to be done, which are the 3 principles, Por. Por. 1, shutting down the coup, Por. 2, protecting people's voice, Por 3, unlocking the local area.

However, the journey to drafting a true people's constitution is not easy.

because they have to follow the process stipulated in the 2017 Constitution.

The National Assembly has the powers and duties to create a new constitution.

But there must be two referendums, the first time for the people to vote on whether they want a new constitution or not, and the second when the draft constitution is complete.

There must be a referendum on whether or not to accept the new draft constitution.

Khun Prit also said that

Therefore, people need to go to the referendum booths 4 times, like a 4-step ladder, consisting of the first time to vote on whether or not to approve the constitutional amendment; The 3rd time to elect people to be members of the House of Representatives and the 4th time, a referendum certifies the new constitution. If the party advances to become a government, it will hold a referendum to lead to the drafting of a new constitution immediately within 100 days.

If you don't believe, you have to believe. To get a full democratic constitution, you have to go through the referendum checkpoint 4 times. Each referendum uses a budget of about 3 billion baht. Do it 4 times, it's 12 billion baht. And don't know if it will be hit on the way puncture the tire or not

This is the mechanical camp laid out in the 2017 Constitution.

In fact, there are ways to save money and help shorten the time.

Because there is a motion pending in the House of Representatives that proposes to the Cabinet to organize a referendum to ask people's opinions on the preparation of the whole new constitution.

by making a referendum at the same time as voting in the next election

Next month, when the council meeting is open, it can proceed.

After all, every party has spoken of their love for democracy.

If any party plays a disturbing game

Show that you are not sincere to the people.
