The trailer hits the betel nut stand.

(reported by Zhang Xuanzhe)

[Reporter Zhang Xuanzhe/Taichung report] Crash again!

The seventh section of the upper road in Taichung went downhill, and a car accident was reported again this afternoon.

A trailer carrying a large monster was suspected of malfunction due to brake failure. When traveling from Longjing to Shalu, it hit the sidewalk of Shangxiang Road and Pingxi Road. The driver jumped out of the car, but the trailer hit 4 locomotives on the side of the road. With a betel nut stall, fortunately, only the tow truck driver was injured when he jumped out of the car and was sent to the hospital. The detailed cause of the accident remains to be investigated and clarified.

According to the police investigation, at 3:28 p.m., the driver of the tow truck was driving downhill. It was suspected that the brakes had failed, and hit the sidewalk directly, affecting the betel nut stall. Fortunately, the proprietress of the Gu shop heard the sound and quickly escaped from the stall and escaped the accident. She was still in shock, calling it terrible.

The trailer parked at the door of the chain pot sticker shop with a loud bang, which shocked the clerk.

The trailer hits the betel nut stand.

(reported by Zhang Xuanzhe)