The new campus epidemic prevention is on the way, and Education Minister Pan Wenzhong hopes that students' life and study will return to their daily lives.

(Photo by reporter Zhang Weizhen)

[Reporter Zhang Weizhen/Taipei Report] Ming (13th) the new campus epidemic prevention "0+7" measures are about to go on the road, and the number of confirmed cases in the campus continues to continue to burn recently. In this regard, Education Minister Pan Wenzhong said in a joint media interview today (12th), After many discussions on the new campus epidemic prevention policy with local governments, education bureaus, and colleges and universities, the main hope is that students' life and study can return to normal.

Pan Wenzhong, Minister of Education, said that the Ministry of Education has provided more sufficient rapid screening agents to respond to the adjustment of the new campus epidemic prevention system. The Ministry of Education provides 800,000 doses of rapid screening agents to schools every week. It is hoped that the stock of rapid screening agents in schools can be increased to 50% of the total number of faculty and students.

At the same time, it is also mentioned that in the future, if the school staff and students find physical discomfort or problems with the respiratory system, they can apply for a quick screening agent with the school for a quick screening examination.

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Pan Wenzhong further stated that in response to the new epidemic prevention measures, the Ministry of Education will continue to observe the situation of campus epidemic prevention and epidemic situation as a reference for whether to revise the new epidemic prevention measures in a rolling manner.

The new campus epidemic prevention measures have been adjusted since the 13th. Once the faculty, staff and students of schools at all levels are diagnosed with a family member or roommate who lives in the same room, those with symptoms will not go to work or attend classes at the school; those who are asymptomatic will be self-epidemic for seven days, and then follow the instructions. Vaccine doses are classified. If you have three doses and the quick screening is negative within two days, you can go to school for work and classes. Those who have less than three doses of vaccine still need to "3+4", three days of home isolation, and the next four days are stipulated during the self-epidemic prevention period.