Wang Minxu, a spokesman for Hou Youyi's election office, pointed out that Hou Youyi will follow the current regulations.

(Photo by reporter Zhou Xiangyun)

[Reporter Zhou Xiangyun/New Taipei Report] Lin Jialong, a candidate for the New Taipei mayoral election of the Democratic Progressive Party, has repeatedly asked New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi to debate. Wang Minxu, a spokesman for Hou Youyi's election office, pointed out that when Lin Jialong registered for the election this time, he agreed to tick the debate, which is consistent with Hou Youyi's attitude , will be carried out in accordance with the current regulations.

Wang Minxu said that nothing should be subject to double standards because of elections. The same people and the same things should be examined with the same standards.

In 2018, Taichung Mayor Lin Jialong only participated in the televised debate sponsored by the Election Commission. The mayor was also re-elected. Why was he justified at the time, and now he shouts, "Why does the candidate Lin make it difficult for Mayor Lin?"

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Wang Minxu pointed out that any county mayor seeking re-election must take into account the municipal administration, giving priority to municipal administration.

Lin Jialong, who only cares about elections every day and was fined only four years ago for cross-district auxiliary elections, became the "first person to fine a mayor" in Taiwan's election history.