Changhua County Councilor Lai Qingmei said she never put the assistant fee in her own pocket.

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[Reporter Yan Hongjun/Changhua Report] From 2012 to 2019, Changhua County Councilor Lai Qingmei used the head to ask for assistant fees, and then transferred them to 2 assistants who actually worked as assistants. Today, the official was sentenced to 1 year in prison, suspended for 4 years, and fined 2.3 million yuan.

After learning of the verdict, Lai Qingmei said that she did not embezzle, nor did she put the assistant fee in her pocket.

The judgment pointed out that Lai Qingmei hired three assistants surnamed Yang, Sun, and Zeng during the crime. Except for Yang’s daughter, who was a public-funded assistant, the assistants surnamed Sun and Zeng had accumulated debts outside, and they were afraid that the assistants’ salaries would be collected. Lai Qingmei remitted the salaries of the two assistants to the accounts of the head assistants surnamed Wu and Cai, and then transferred the cash to the assistants surnamed Sun and Zeng.

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Because the head assistant surnamed Wu was helped by Lai Qingmei and owed Lai Qingmei's favor, she provided the head as an assistant at public expense at her request; while the head assistant surnamed Cai usually came to the service to clean and distribute documents.

From 2012 to 2019, the public assistant surnamed Yang remitted a total of more than 5.27 million yuan in Wu and Cai's assistant fees, festival bonuses, year-end bonuses, etc., and then took out the cash and gave it to Lai Qingmei, and then transferred it to Sun, Zeng, and services. related expenses.

The judge believed that Lai Qingmei and others used their heads to request assistant fees, which seriously undermined the accuracy of Changhua County Council's management of subsidized councillors' public assistant fees and the tax collection authority's verification of taxes, and made public servants report false crimes. , sentenced Lai Qingmei to 1 year in prison. After pleading guilty and negotiated, he was given a suspended sentence of 4 years and should pay 2.3 million yuan to the public treasury; the assistant surnamed Yang was sentenced to 8 months in prison and should pay 300,000 yuan to the public treasury; Wu, Cai and Wang surnamed All were sentenced to four months in prison, and all were to pay 100,000 yuan to the public treasury, and all five received probation.

When Lai Qingmei learned of the verdict, she said that if there is a crime, you must be punished. "That is a common cause of history." She relented for a while, because two assistants owed debts abroad. If the salary is recorded, the debt will be deducted. She also used all the subsidy for her assistant. She was never corrupt. It was just that the publication was false, and she also had a lot of grievances.

She never put the assistant fee in her pocket, and she is definitely not a heinous person.