
Zlata Ogneevich

, who recently

posed in a short dress

in Crete, knows how to arouse the interest of her audience.

So, the singer recorded a video on Instagram in which she promised to tell her fans why she actually returned to the capital.

"Friends, the time has come for you to admit that I did not return to Kyiv just like that. The reason for my return here will be explained in the following story," - Ognevich created an intrigue.

Zlata Ognevich / Photo:

But in the future, fans of the performer were waiting for unexpected news from Zlata.

It turned out that the actress returned for a spicy party.

"The real reason for returning to Kyiv is the party on Shchekavytsia," Ognevich joked.

Zlata Ognevich / Photo:

The singer decided not to ignore the noisy topic on the Internet, where users suggested holding an orgy on Mount Shchekavytsa in Kyiv in the event of a nuclear strike on Ukraine. 

The other day, Zlata Ognevich's colleague, the young artist Jerry Heil, even dedicated

a humorous track

to Shchekavytsia - the singer put her words to music from Oleg Vynnyk's hit "Wolf".

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