Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe admitted yesterday that he met Shen Huihong (middle), a candidate for the DPP mayoral candidate for Hsinchu City, early last year, and suggested that Shen Ke go to the Taipei City Hall.

(Provided by Shen Huihong Jingjing)

[Reporters Zheng Mingxiang, Cai Zhangsheng/Comprehensive Report] Shen Huihong, a candidate for the mayoral election of Hsinchu of the Democratic Progressive Party, filed a complaint against the mayor of Taipei, Ke Wenzhe, because Wu Zijia, the chairman of the Beauty Island Electronic News, falsely accused her of "seeking an official" and issued a document to clarify that she was He was "poached" by Ke, but he never agreed.

Ke Wenzhe, who has not explained the whole story for several days, admitted in an interview yesterday that when he met with Shen early last year, he mentioned that if former Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian leaves, "We have a shortage here, you can come!"

Falsely accusing Shen Qiuguan Wu Zijia that he was sold by Ke

Wu Zijia pointed out that the matter of "Shen Huihong asking Ke Wenzhe for office" has intensified, but Ke Wenzhe only said that he met with Shen on January 3 last year with Deputy Mayor Huang Shanshan, and the two sides only talked about Hsinchu-related affairs; Others refused to disclose their privacy, and blamed Ke Jianming, the leader of the DPP Legislative Yuan, for first breaking the news.

Please read on...

Ke Wenzhe attended the Songshan Ciyou Palace event yesterday and was questioned by the media. He admitted for the first time that when he met Shen Huihong at the beginning of last year, he first asked her about the situation in Hsinchu from a personal standpoint, and then talked about Ruo Lin Zhijian "running away" and leaving , suggested Shen Huihong, "We (Beijing Municipal Government) have a shortage here, you can come!"

Ke Wenzhe also said that, looking back on the past personnel transfers of the Beijing Municipal Government, after Zhang Zheyang, the former secretary general, was promoted to the secretary general from the Beijing Municipal Transportation Director, the vacancy was originally scheduled to be taken over by the current director Chen Xuetai, and Shen Huihong was not found.

Ke: Just tell Huang Weihan that he didn't tell Wu

Wu Zijia, who was sued by Shen Huihong, said on a TV show last night that she was "sold, outrageous, and bullshit" by Ke Wenzhe.

Wu said, "Shen Huihong asked for an official" was the one he called Ke before the end of the show, and Ke told him on the phone, but he didn't expect to wait until after he was accused, "I received a text message from Ke at 7:00 in the morning saying that he was I was on the toilet, and the next day I remembered that I had made a mistake." He urged Ke to help him pay for his legal fees.

Ke Wenzhe responded yesterday that he only talked to the media person Huang Weihan about this, and never told Wu Zijia, how could he betray?

I don't know why they have to pay Wu's lawyer fees.