Heart diseases

Small yellow bumps around the eyes can indicate high cholesterol levels, which can lead to heart attack or cardiovascular disease.

Autoimmune diseases

A red rash on the face may indicate an autoimmune disease.

A rash on the cheeks that has a pronounced butterfly shape can signal lupus, and a dense, itchy rash can indicate an autoimmune disease of the small intestine such as celiac disease.

Anemia and low blood pressure

An excessively pale complexion is one of the signs of anemia.

If, in addition, you are worried about fatigue, chronic weakness and tiredness, check the level of hemoglobin.

Expressed pale facial skin, dizziness, fatigue, dehydration and depression often accompany low blood pressure.

A stroke

If facial expression has become less pronounced on one half of the face, or if one half of the face looks as if it is "stiff", you should urgently consult a doctor. 


Dark circles and swelling under the eyes in combination with a runny nose are a clear sign of an allergic reaction.

When to consult an endocrinologist

Excessive facial hair in women indicates problems with hormones.

The reason for intensive growth of facial hair in women is often a hormonal imbalance — most often due to hirsutism or polycystic ovary syndrome. Often, instead of doctors, women visit cosmetologists and risk missing problems with ovaries or hormones.

Diabetes and thyroid gland

A network of small wrinkles that suddenly appeared on the face can be a symptom of both diabetes and hypothyroidism - an insufficient level of thyroid hormones.


Apnea is a serious disease in which a person stops breathing during sleep for 10 seconds or more.

Among the signs is an unusual, as if "slanted" chin, neck and jaw that have decreased in size.

If you notice something similar in yourself or your loved ones, contact your doctor immediately.

Read also:

  • Why the toilet should be flushed with the lid closed: research by scientists

  • Potassium iodide is an anti-radiation drug: can you drink it for prevention?

  • How to lose excess weight with the help of ordinary walking: expert advice