Xu Yaochang publicly supported Zhong Dongjin, and Xie Fuhong said that Xu's actions hurt the Kuomintang.

(Provided by Xie Fuhong)

[Reporter Cai Zhengmin/Miaoli report] The Kuomintang member Xu Yaochang, the Miaoli county magistrate, showed up yesterday to run for the Miaoli county magistrate election and was expelled by the Kuomintang. , to continue unfulfilled duties.

Xie Fuhong, a candidate for Miaoli county magistrate nominated by the Kuomintang, said today that the people of Miaoli County can see the situation of Zhong Dongjin very clearly. , the current practice seriously hurt the Kuomintang.

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Xie Fuhong also said that he expressed regret for Xu Yaochang's actions. Xie Fuhong will lead the county residents to bring a happy and prosperous future to Miaoli.