Wife de la Rosa unpacks the potato chips and finds a dead mouse.

(The picture is taken from the Twitter of "Esther De La Rosa" and synthesized by this newspaper)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] A Mexican wife recently bought a package of well-known potato chips at a local store, but when she opened the package and was about to enjoy it, she found a mouse corpse. She was so scared that she uploaded the recorded short video to the social platform Expressing her dissatisfaction, she exclaimed, "I will never buy this potato chip again!"

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, wife Esther De La Rosa bought a pack of Barcel Chips (Barcel Chips) at a local supermarket in Tampico, Tamaulipas, and opened the potato chips. When she was about to enjoy it, she vaguely saw something that didn't look like potato chips. She poured the potato chips out and saw a mouse corpse.

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Through the video shared by Dela Rosa on the social platform, it can be seen that there is a mouse whose head is obviously hanging on the bag, she said, "Too surprised! I never thought this would happen, I have always been very surprised. I like to eat potato chips, I will never buy this potato chips again, take care of your children.”

It is reported that Basel Potato Chips has privately messaged Dela Rosa via Twitter to learn more details.

Me salió una rataaaa en las papas @ChipsBarcel

Es increíble pensé que esto era una broma, abrí la bolsa y al ver las papas la lancé al tapete de mi camioneta no lo puedo creer! pic.twitter.com/ybrHq6lZG5

— Esther De La Rosa (@estherdlrosa13) September 25, 2022