War can change at any time, regardless of whether one army is more powerful.

or possessing enormous amounts of armament

And this time, it's the "Russian army" that's collapsing.

In the battlefield of "Liman", an important defensive fortress

northern Donetsk province

adjacent to the east of the Kharkiv province.

Northeast Ukraine

This was the result of a sudden counterattack by the Ukrainian Army.

that can reclaim all areas of Kharkiv province

and launched a continuous offensive into northern Donetsk.

Both attempted to penetrate the Russian front to advance into Luhansk province.

which had previously been occupied by the Russian army.

The Russian army seized Liman from Ukraine in May, before losing the stronghold on Oct. 1. It is unclear how.

How much has Russia lost its troops in the Battle of Liman?

because the battle was fierce

Lightning invasion of Ukraine

As a result, Leiman was wrapped in a vise.

from the north and south

main road highway

For fleeing the eastern city, Ukraine was cut off and the Russian army had to deploy emergency "rescue" forces, deploying counterattacks and bolstering the front line to create a "corridor", opening an escape route for the encircled combatants.

This includes the 20th Combined Brigade in the Western Army.

Then to make an urgent retreat

in the middle of the Ukrainian artillery

that bombarded the highway

that Russia calls

"Road of Life" hard

This major victory for Ukraine

Russian security media have been furious.

that it's time

that we should be aware that

Many Russian combat units are in a state of inadequate combat.

and also attached to the image of the majesty of the past

Until I can't keep up with how much the world has changed.

However, the Russian media also viewed that

the loss of Liman

This might be a call to the Russian army, as in 1941, during World War II, Russia learned a complete defeat in the face of the German army.

Bring lessons that have been lost and won and will be analyzed and corrected.

Modify as appropriate

As for the conservative commander, doing the same thing needs to be moved out according to the rules.

"Tuk Pakkred"