The Russian dictator will blackmail the European energy infrastructure, force Ukraine to "peace" on the terms of the Russian Federation and threaten to use nuclear weapons. 

Oleksandr Baunov, a researcher at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, wrote about this in an article for the New York Times.

The analyst emphasized that Putin once again repeated the narratives of Russian propaganda and his own interpretation of "history".

Also, the Russian dictator once again made absurd statements about the West.

However, according to Baunov, there were three theses in Putin's speech that testify to the Kremlin's plans. 

First, energy blackmail reaches a new level


The Russian dictator accused the West of undermining the "Nordic Streams".

Although the destruction of gas pipelines is beneficial primarily to Russia, because then the Russian Federation will not have to justify its inability to supply gas.

This may indicate that Russia will try to attack the energy infrastructure of Europe. 

"The transformation of energy carriers into weapons can reach a new level, at which not only will the flow of fuel from Russia be reduced, but also supplies from other countries will be actively interrupted," Baunov believes.

The second thesis is to force Ukraine to "peace" on the Kremlin's terms


After the attempted annexation of Ukrainian territories, Putin declared that Ukraine should stop resisting the occupiers.

This display is reminiscent of what happened on the eve of the Russian Federation's full-scale attack on Ukraine, when Putin recognized the fake "L/DPR" in the administrative borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine. 

"Putin's new threats were made after the humiliating retreat from the Kharkiv region. This defeat forced Russia to start mobilizing and announce the annexation of the occupied territories. And it is very unlikely that Ukraine will take seriously the Russian calls for negotiations in the near future. On the contrary, Kyiv has repeatedly said that the annexation will put a cross in any negotiations with Putin's Russia. For Ukrainians, after what happened this week, even sitting down at the negotiating table will be an act of capitulation," the expert noted.