Yesterday (1) was the National Day of the People's Republic of China. The Hong Kong government also mobilized about 8,000 police forces to deploy and control traffic in various areas of Hong Kong. The authorities' high-pressure control and the implementation of the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law also suppressed the voices of the demonstrations.

(European News Agency)

[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] Yesterday (1) was the National Day of the People's Republic of China. The Hong Kong government also mobilized about 8,000 police officers to deploy and control traffic in various areas of Hong Kong. All voices have been suppressed, but Lin Yanbang, the former director of stand news interviews, said in an interview with foreign media that the Hong Kong version of the national security law has changed Hong Kong's political atmosphere, but it is difficult to change people's hearts. The so-called patriotic education will not help to reverse some Hong Kong. negative impression of China.

According to the "Voice of America Chinese Network" report, in response to the National Day of the People's Republic of China, the Hong Kong government held a flag-raising ceremony for China's National Day at the Golden Bauhinia Square in Wanchai yesterday morning. In response to some people inciting Hong Kong people to take to the streets online on special days in the past, the Hong Kong police mobilized 7 A police force of 1,000 to 8,000, including the Regional Response Brigade, Athlon Squad, Anti-Terrorism Special Task Force, Railway Response Force and Stormtroopers, is deployed in various districts of Hong Kong and implements traffic control.

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The report pointed out that even at the end of last month, the social media received concerns from the National Security Police, asking them to "don't make trouble on sensitive days." Although the four-person march did not have a substantial impact or impact on the Hong Kong government, the authorities clearly hoped that Hong Kong people would live in China. On the day of the National Day, no voice of dissent could be made, and the community was forced to cancel the event.

Independent reporter Lin Yanbang pointed out that although more than half of Hong Kong people in the past were dissatisfied with the Hong Kong government and the Chinese authorities to a certain extent, since 2019, the Hong Kong government has used tough methods to suppress these voices, but he believes that Although the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law has changed the political atmosphere in Hong Kong, it is difficult to change people's hearts.

Although "half of the people will become more patriotic, or behave more and more patriotic, the other half will not change their minds in any way".

The so-called patriotic education will not help to reverse some Hong Kong people's negative impression of China, but their next generation may be subtly influenced. This is also the main reason why a large number of Hong Kong people choose to immigrate overseas after 2019.