Taipei City Councilor Hsu Shu-hua applauded Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe and candidate Huang Shanshan as the last place every year, calling on Taipei citizens to keep their eyes open and not to elect the team at the end of the crane every year.

(Provided by Taipei City Councilor Xu Shuhua)

[Reporter Zheng Mingxiang/Taipei Report] Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe's 8-year term expires, but the opening of the Big Dome is still a long way off. Taipei City Councilor Xu Shuhua pointed out that the problem of light pollution in the Big Dome, traffic planning around the occupancy, disaster prevention and evacuation plans, Bannan Problems such as cracks and water seepage in the line tunnel have not been resolved, and there are more and more problems. Ke Wenzhe has achieved nothing in 8 years, and the responsibility for delay is all the central government. He angrily criticized Ke Wenzhe and Huang Shanshan, who was the former deputy mayor, and called on the citizens of Taipei to take the greatest responsibility. Keep your eyes open and stop choosing the team at the end of the crane every year.

Xu Shuhua pointed out that Ke Wenzhe claimed to attach importance to public safety, so he was stuck, but in the past 8 years, the number of 59,833 people has never decreased. In the event of a disaster, how to evacuate and where to evacuate. It also helped to delay; in addition, the North City Government agreed to Farglory's application to change the basement floor as a refuge floor, but it did not recognize it after it was sent to the central government.

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Xu Shuhua angrily criticized that Farglory has only added a few stairs in the past 8 years, and the public security dispute has not been resolved, except for the roof light damage blinding the residents, the elementary school students opposite, surrounding traffic planning, disaster prevention and evacuation plans, cracks and water seepage problems on the Bannan Line Unresolved, and Ke Wenzhe 8 years later turned out to be a matter of Wu Cheng, and the giant egg is still standing still.

Xu Shuhua questioned that Ke Wenzhe blackmailed Farglory. After he succeeded, he gave the green light all the way. In the end, he dragged the Beishi government into the water to endorse Farglory. Instead, he put the responsibility for delaying the central government. Who is the mayor of Taipei?" He denounced Ke Wenzhe and Huang Shanshan as incompetent and shameless. No wonder the municipality ranks at the bottom every year.

Xu Shuhua appealed that Ko Wenzhe and Huang Shanshan should be honest with the citizens of Taipei, and stop letting the central government take the blame.