Russell, a 14-year-old British girl who committed suicide in 2017, viewed many posts with negative messages before her death.


[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] A 14-year-old British girl, Molly Russell, committed suicide in 2017, drawing public attention to the negative impact of social platforms on teenagers and young girls.

The North London Coroner's Court has officially handed down its verdict, finding that the girl's suicide was "directly related" to the social platform postings and led to the loss of a young life.

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, according to the investigation report of the court, Russell shared, favorited and liked 16,300 posts on Instagram (IG) 6 months before his death, and as many as 2,100 posts were related to suicide, self-harm and depression. .

Coroner (Andrew Walker) said that Russell suffered from depression and the root cause of her illness was posts on social platforms, and finally she chose to leave this world by self-harm.

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Walker also stressed that the content that Russell browses on IG and Pinterest is not safe at all, and should not be published on social platforms for children to have permission to view.

This is the first time that a social platform has been publicly held accountable for the death of a child in a court hearing.

However, Elizabeth Lagone, one of the directors of IG's parent company Meta, takes the opposite position. She believes that everyone is free to express themselves in the community, and the implied meaning of negative posts is inherently more complicated.

In the face of the judge's question, even though Ragon browsed Russell's community posts during his death in court, Ragon still felt that these negative posts were "safe" and the whole case was still under trial.

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