Taipei mayoral candidate Huang Shanshan attended the "National Dragon and Lion Dance Championships" on the 1st and accepted a joint interview after the meeting.

(Photo by reporter Tu Jianrong)

[Reporter Yang Xinhui/Taipei Report] Jiang Wanan, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the Kuomintang, announced his political views on education yesterday. The media asked about Jiang Wanan's political views, but Jiang did not answer and turned to ask for help. Jiang Weimin, the former deputy director of the New Taipei City Education Bureau, was asked by the media. Answering the question; Huang Shanshan, a candidate for mayor of Taipei without a party membership, said that when he saw Jiang Wanan’s political opinions, he seemed to ask others to answer the question. People still have to absorb it.”

Jiang Wanan announced his educational political views yesterday, and the media asked about the details of the educational political views, but he immediately called for help and asked, "Where's the director?" Jiang Wanan signaled Jiang Weimin to answer again.

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Huang Shanshan accepted a joint interview after attending the "National Dragon and Lion Dance Championships" this morning. The media asked, Jiang Wanan and Huang Shanshan both put forward the political opinion that 5-year-olds should be included in compulsory education. Do they think Jiang Wanan plagiarized?

Huang Shanshan said that when she saw Jiang Wanan's political opinions, she seemed to ask others to answer them.

Huang Shanshan believes that Jiang Wanan and the others also admit that the education policy of Taipei City is very good, and we have no problem with copying the good things, but maybe the candidates themselves still have to absorb it.