Current conditions for isolation of confirmed cases of COVID-19

After the 7-day self-management period, it is planned to quickly screen the yin and go out to eat as soon as next week.

[Reporter Wu Liangyi/Taipei Report] In response to the local epidemic of pneumonia in Wuhan, although the border quarantine has been relaxed, the "seven + seven" days of isolation for local confirmed cases have not been loosened; Luo Yijun, deputy head of the medical response team of the Central Epidemic Command Center, pointed out that the expert meeting discussed how to It will first relax the "self-health management" period for the next seven days, and the details will be announced as soon as next week, but the date of the road has not yet been determined.

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Luo Yijun said at a press conference on the epidemic yesterday that the self-health management period for the next seven days is now standardized, and it was discussed at this week's expert meeting that the current regulations cannot be used in restaurants for the next seven days. "It seems that it is necessary to adjust." It is proposed that the management for the next seven days will be lifted as long as a quick test is negative.

According to the current autonomous health management regulations, there are regulations such as not being able to gather in groups, gathering for meals, not going to social places where social distancing cannot be maintained, and not being allowed to take off masks at will for seven days after the release of quarantine.

The expert meeting discussed that if a quick screening is negative after the quarantine is released, it can be lifted.

Commander Wang Bisheng explained that the seven days after the release of the quarantine may not turn negative, so it should become "seven + N" days, N is less than or equal to seven, as long as the quick screening is negative, the self-health management can be automatically released.

Wang Bisheng said that the new measures will be reported after the confirmation next week, but the actual time of the road cannot be determined at present.

As for the first seven days of home care time will be shortened?

Wang Bisheng said that the expert meeting did discuss whether the first seven days of home care should be shortened to five days. There is room for theoretical and operational aspects, but there is no consensus, because this has a greater impact than the unblocking of the border, and more needs to be done. After much discussion, "it is currently determined that the relaxation of autonomous health management in the next seven days will start earlier."

Cancellation of group restriction order excludes China, Hong Kong and Macau Wang Bisheng: rolling review by the MAC

In addition, my country will relax the border quarantine on the 13th of this month as scheduled, and will also cancel the tourism group restriction order, including independent travelers and group tourists can enter the group for sightseeing, but China, Hong Kong and Macau have not yet opened.

Wang Bisheng said that this part will be reviewed on a rolling basis by the relevant unit, the MAC.

Wang Bisheng pointed out that the command center will discuss the general direction of the policy meeting, and then the various ministries will discuss their own affairs. For example, the Ministry of Communications will guide the epidemic prevention fleet, hotels, and tour groups. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers visa-free or non-visa-free countries. Hong Kong and Macao regions are decided by the Mainland Affairs Council.

Luo Yijun, deputy head of the medical response team of the Central Epidemic Command Center, pointed out that the discussion at the expert meeting should be relaxed for the next seven days of "autonomous health management".

(provided by the command center)