The case of Lin Bingshu's violence against legislator Gao Jiayu was handed down by the New Taipei District Court yesterday, attracting a large number of media interviews.

(Photo by reporter Wang Yisong)

[Reporter Wang Dingchuan/New Taipei Report] DPP legislator Gao Jiayu was sentenced in the first instance of her boyfriend Lin Bingshu's rape case yesterday. Lin Nan was sentenced to two years and October, but only eight months could not be subject to fines. The court ruled on July 15 this year. Lin Nan was released on bail. Since he has been detained for 226 days from the time of the case to the trial period, if the original sentence is still upheld, he only needs to serve another 14 days to be released from prison and recover his freedom.

Appeal if the sentence is reduced

After the discount, you may not need to go to prison again

For the remaining two years and two months, he received a fine of 790,000 yuan from Yike, which was lower than his insurance payment of 800,000 yuan. The number of days in custody can be used as an option to offset the sentence.