Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the Democratic Progressive Party, went to Dongmen Market to pray for votes this morning (29).

(Photo by reporter He Yuhua)

[Reporter He Yuhua/Taipei Report] Taipei City Education Director Zeng Canjin asked for leave to participate in the education policy presentation of non-party Taipei mayoral candidate Huang Shanshan. Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral candidate of the DPP, said that as long as the administrative regulations are met, as for the political He respects his choice and judgment; as for Hsinchu's mother, who praised Lin Zhijian for the expedition, Chen Shizhong said that he was not happy to see such bullying.

Huang Shanshan recently borrowed Taipei City University to hold the inaugural meeting of the campaign headquarters, and Taipei City Government Education Director Zeng Canjin took a leave of absence to participate in her education policy presentation on the 28th, making the administrative neutrality of the Taipei City Government questionable; When asked about this, Baipin said that it is divided into administrative and political aspects, as long as it meets the regulations in administration; in politics, it is political choice and judgment, which he respects.

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In addition, some people in Hsinchu City were counting Lin Zhijian’s political achievements on Facebook, and Ke Fan went out to close his account; Chen Shizhong said that he hoped that everyone would compare their hearts and express some opinions on an individual person, and they were not happy to use such bullying methods. Everyone should respect and understand each other.