Chinese bamboo shoots, young bamboo shoots

light yellow

often cut into glasses

Before cooking, steaming, boiling, stir-frying, bamboo shoots have a cooling effect, sweet taste, quenching heat, dissolving phlegm, quenching thirst and nourishing the liver.

However, the color of bamboo shoots is easy to darken.

looks unappetizing

Some vendors may add sulfur dioxide, or sulfur, to inhibit the browning or darkening reaction. Sulfur dioxide is commonly used in food as a preservative.

because it is highly efficient in food preservation

It can inhibit the growth of yeast, mold, bacteria and inhibit the browning reaction of vegetables.

Most importantly, it's cheap, easy to use, and can be used with many types of food.

Dried fruits and vegetables, pickled, preserved, stirred, jam, canned beans, canned bamboo shoots, canned mushrooms, frozen food, beverages, noodles, vermicelli, etc.

Normally, if the body receives a small amount of sulfur dioxide, it will be excreted in the urine.

But if used in excess, it can be harmful to the body.

Sulfur dioxide poisoning if it enters the body in large quantities.

It can cause stomach pain, diarrhoea, dizziness, vomiting, shock, and unconsciousness

and in people with allergies or asthma can be fatal.

According to the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health No. 418 B.E. 2563

The Food Institute sampled five Chinese bamboo shoots from five stores sold in supermarkets.

and market districts

in Bangkok

to be analyzed for sulfur dioxide content

The results showed that all five samples found different amounts of sulfur dioxide.

saw this

I recommend that those who like Chinese bamboo shoots.

They can be eaten together, but should not be eaten very often.

for the safety of the body.

Thairath + Food Institute, Food Safety Project