How to make fertilizer from sour milk

Take 1 liter of milk and 9 liters of clean water.

All components should be at room temperature.

Add 100 g of sugar to the mixture, and then infuse the solution for about half an hour.

When the mixture is ready, it should be poured over the compost in the garden, sprinkled with soil on top.

Thus, lactic acid bacteria will work even better to create an ecological fertilizer for garden crops.

To prepare a solution for feeding plants based on sour milk, you need:

  • take 1 liter of milk and 10 liters of water;

  • water the soil with the mixture in a radius of at least 50 cm around the flowers;

  • after that, additionally pour clean water.

And if the plants were already infected with late blight, a few drops of iodine should also be added to the solution.

How and how much can you use sour milk fertilizer

Sour milk fertilizer can be used for spraying or watering.

Due to the fact that the liquid is quite sticky, a thin layer of protective film appears on the leaves of the plants, which prevents pests and bacteria from damaging the flowers.

If you are going to prepare a solution for the prevention of diseases, then it should be made in a ratio of 1 to 3. That is, 3 liters of clean water are needed for 1 liter of sour milk.

It is recommended to spray the plants in the morning.

This treatment is carried out no more than 2-3 times a month.

If you are going to use sour milk fertilizer for watering, you first need to make the soil loose.

Then useful substances will reach the root system faster.

Please note that sour milk is great not only for flowers, but also for garden crops.

Especially cucumbers and tomatoes.

It can also be used for processing fruit trees.