Most housewives prefer to salt the dish near the end of cooking.

They justify this position as follows.

If you add salt before cooking the soup, there is a risk of oversalting the ingredients due to the fact that part of the liquid will boil off, and the rest will become more salty.

In addition, it is believed that cooking will take longer in salt water.

And if you add salt to the ready-made soup, the liquid will be salty, and the solid part will be fresh.

The universal rule of salting soup saves, if the hostess does not want to remember the subtleties of cooking different soups and broths, then salt the soup immediately after boiling and 15-20 minutes before it is ready.

As well as cooking in general, and salting different types of soups has its own nuances, knowledge of which will help you get an excellent result.

We tell you how to salt different types of soups.

When you need to throw salt in borscht

Borscht should be salted at the end - when the main products are cooked, but not overcooked, about 10-20 minutes before the end of cooking.

If the cook is inexperienced and the borscht is often overcooked, it is better not to risk it and add salt first while the ingredients are still able to absorb the salt evenly.

When to salt chicken soup

Tender chicken meat cooks quickly and easily releases its juices, so the chicken broth is salted immediately after boiling.

In this case, the broth will be tasty and rich.

But if the broth is cooked for chicken meat, in this case you need to salt the broth 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.

When to salt pork and beef soup

For any meat soup, be it pork, beef or lamb, the same rules apply as for chicken.

To get a fragrant broth, salt is added after the water boils and the hostess removes the excess foam.

If you need tasty meat, salt the soup half an hour before it is ready.

When to salt fish soup

Fish broths are very light and dietary, so they need to be salted at the beginning of cooking, when the water boils and the foam is removed.

In this case, the broth turns out tasty and transparent, and the pieces of fish do not fall apart. 

When to salt bean soup

Legumes boil strongly in fresh water, but retain their shape in salt water. Therefore, when cooking, the hostess focuses on the result she needs.

If puree is needed, the beans should be salted at the end, if whole beans are salted immediately. 

When to salt soup with mushrooms

Soups with mushrooms, regardless of which mushrooms are prepared, wild or cultivated, are salted at the end of cooking.

If you do it earlier, the mushrooms will be oversalted and can spoil the taste of the dish. 

How much salt should be put in the soup

How much salt to put largely depends on the recipe.

The standard amount is half, one teaspoon without a slide for one liter of liquid, for two liters - one or two teaspoons.

Some cooks consider this amount to be excessive and suggest adding one tablespoon without a bitter to 4-5 liters of water or broth.

How to save an oversalted dish

  • The easiest way is to dilute the unsuccessful culinary masterpiece with fresh water or broth and cook for another 10-15 minutes. 

  • Add an ingredient that balances the salty taste — onion, celery, and fresh tomatoes.

  • Add vinegar, wine or citric acid.

    Sour will hide excess saltiness.

  • Add potatoes or pasta.

  • You can dip raw rice groats in a gauze bag into a highly salted broth.

  • The salty taste helps to soften the sour cream, which is added before serving. 

Read also:

  • When to salt potatoes during cooking so that it is tasty

  • 10 unusual uses of starch: not only in cooking