Taipei City Councilor Ruan Zhaoxiong (right), Lin Feifan (middle), policy platform convener of Zheng Yunpeng's campaign team, and Taoyuan City Councilor You Wuhe (left), went to Dayuan Market with their backboards to pay their respects.

(Photo by reporter Zheng Shuting)

[Reporter Zheng Shuting/Taoyuan Report] DPP Taoyuan mayoral candidate Zheng Yunpeng was quarantined because of the confirmed diagnosis, so he used his avatar to sweep the streets to pray for her. After sweeping the streets in Dayuan Market to worship votes, and after standing up placards and masks with human figures, the campaign team used their creativity to launch the "Birthday Backboard" that Ruan Zhaoxiong carried on his back.

When a vendor saw Ruan Zhaoxiong, he was surprised and asked, "Why did you come here?" Lin Feifan was also welcomed by many mothers-in-law and shook hands and interacted with each other. Some people were curious and asked, "Why didn't Zheng Yunpeng come?" Tasting bean curd in a famous store, Ruan Zhaoxiong fed the bean curd to Zheng Yunpeng's mask in the air, saying with a smile, "It's a pity that Zheng can't eat this kind of food."

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In an interview, Lin Feifan said that the team was very creative. Although Zheng Yunpeng was unable to go out and interact with citizens after his diagnosis, from the live press conference, the human figure standing up, the mask hand holding the sign to today's birthday backboard, the team's ingenuity made all the Citizens will not distance themselves from Zheng because of his isolation, but instead attract more people's attention through creativity.

Ruan Zhaoxiong said that the current election is to bring forth new ideas. In addition to diligently visiting the grassroots, we need everyone to brainstorm and respond to various emergencies caused by the epidemic. Yesterday, I saw Su Qiaohui and Lai Ruilong holding Zheng Yunpeng masks to sweep the market. Putting on Zheng Yunpeng's headgear, he was relieved when he came to the scene to see the backboard of the day's students, and also praised the campaign team's creativity.

Taipei City Councilor Ruan Zhaoxiong (left) and Cheng Yunpeng's campaign team's policy platform convener Lin Feifan (right) went to Dayuan Market to pay their respects.

(Photo by reporter Zheng Shuting)

Taipei City Councilor Ruan Zhaoxiong and Zheng Yunpeng's campaign team policy platform convener Lin Feifan and Taoyuan City Councilor You Wuhe went to Dayuan Market to pay their respects.

(Photo by reporter Zheng Shuting)