Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized the referendum to Russia as a farce.


[Instant News/Comprehensive Report] The Russian army held a "referendum to join Russia" in the four occupied territories of Ukraine from the 23rd. After the referendum on the 27th, the Russian side claimed that the voter turnout "overwhelmingly supports joining Russia."

In response to this statement, Ukraine and its Western allies strongly opposed it. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy criticized that the referendum on joining Russia was a farce and could never be called a legitimate referendum; NATO Secretary-General Jens Stottenberg Stoltenberg also said that Russia's move was a blatant violation of international law.

According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Zelensky mentioned in his daily routine on the 27th, including Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson ) and other four states that were forced to referendum, the still occupied areas around Kharkiv and Crimea, Ukraine will continue to defend the safety of the people in these areas.

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Zelensky emphasized that this farce in the occupied region cannot even be called a "copy referendum". This "fake referendum" is an attempt to steal the territory of other countries and obliterate the norms of international law.

Zelensky mentioned in a video chat with the United Nations Security Council on the 27th that people in the occupied areas were forced to fill out documents and were threatened with guns. Let them in turn attack their countrymen.

Stottenberg emphasized on the 27th that Russia's "fake referendum" has blatantly violated international law and has no legality. These lands belong to Ukraine.

Stottenberg said he had spoken to Zelensky, and he made it clear to Zelensky that NATO allies firmly supported Ukraine's sovereignty and right to self-defense.

UN Deputy Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo emphasized at the UN Security Council meeting on the 27th that Russia's separatist vote in the occupied eastern Ukraine did not comply with international regulations, and the vote held during the armed conflict could not be regarded as a local A legitimate interpretation of the will of the people.

DiCarlo emphasized that in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, the United Nations will continue to work on Ukraine's sovereignty, unity, independence and territorial integrity, and according to international law, Russia is obliged to respect Ukrainian law when administering Ukraine's occupied territories.

United Nations Deputy Secretary-General DiCarlo stressed in the Security Council meeting that Russia's vote during the armed conflict cannot be regarded as a legitimate interpretation of the will of the local people.


Stottenberg stressed that Russia's "fake referendum" has blatantly violated international law and has no legality.

(European News Agency)