Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the Democratic Progressive Party, said that he regretted the injury to Zhang Shujuan and hoped that the election would return to the essence of policy.

(Photo by reporter Tu Jianrong)

[Reporter He Yuhua/Taipei Report] Zhang Shujuan, who was referred to by media person Zhou Yukou as the father of the Kuomintang Taipei mayoral candidate Jiang Wanan and the heroine of the Jiang Xiaoyan scandal, filed a complaint today, and Zhou Yukou was also present to apologize; Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the DPP, said , I regret the hurt Zhang Shujuan suffered, and hope that the election will return to the essence of policy.

Chen Shizhong accompanied President Tsai Ing-wen to the Guangzhao Palace for an interview. He said that Zhou Yukou came out to apologize to Miss Zhang Shujuan, and the matter was very clear; he regretted the hurt Zhang Shujuan suffered.

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As for Zhou Yukou's apology, will it add points to his election?

Chen Shizhong said that this is not the scope of his consideration.

Everyone is an independent individual who is responsible for what he has done and said. Everyone strives to make the society safe and stable, and let the election return to the essence of policy.