Zheng Yufan released his first photo book "Actually I'm a Little Bad" today.

(Photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

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[Reporter Yao Yuehong/Taipei Report] Actress Zheng Jiachun's sister Zheng Yufan attended her photo book launch at noon today (26th). On the way home after the event, she collided with the side of a large truck. Fortunately, there were only small scratches on the body, Everyone was fine. When the police arrived, the car had been moved to the side of the road, and no one was found to be drunk driving. The two parties will negotiate the compensation for the accident.

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After Zheng Yufan became a topical goddess at the end of 2021, Junior Sister Zheng Jiachun held a new photo book launch conference today. She removed her image of a silly eldest sister and released her first photo book "Actually I'm a Little Bad", and successfully challenged her own scale and limits. , Only use the tail of hair and hold the cat to cover the milk, because there will be a car accident after the release, which will cause the topic again.

Zheng Yufan said that when she was driving home, she was passing through the intersection of Section 5, Nanjing East Road, Taipei City, and encountered a large truck occupying the lane. When she passed the car, she was hit by the large truck from the side. No one was injured.

The traffic team of Songshan Police Sub-Bureau of Taipei City was reported to the police at about 3:00 p.m. and immediately dispatched officers to the scene to investigate and deal with it. The police learned that Qiu Nan (about 43 years old) was driving a battalion truck going south and north along Lane 291, Section 5, Nanjing East Road. The front right front of the car collided with a passenger car driven by Zheng Nv, who was heading north to south along Lane 291, Section 5, Nanjing East Road, and caused the accident when they met.

There were scratches on the front right front of the large truck, and dents on the left rear side of the passenger car. Neither driver was injured nor drunk driving.

The police appealed to passers-by to drive in accordance with the priority of the right of way, to concentrate on driving and pay attention to the situation in front of the car, not to drive fatigued, not to rush or force through the intersection.

More courteous driving will not only shorten the time, but also ensure safety.

Zheng Yufan's car was hit by a small collision on the side of a large truck.

(Photo by reporter Yao Yuehong)

The front bumper of the big truck has some scratches.

(Photo by reporter Yao Yuehong)