The "red-faced thief" appeared in Changhua's Erlin Forest. It turned out that the native goose raised in the dragon orchard ate the dragon fruit stealthily.

(reported by Chen Guanbei)

[Reporter Chen Guanbei/Changhua Report] The dragon fruit grown in an organic orchard in Erlin Town, Changhua County was harvested recently. Unexpectedly, the dragon fruit was maliciously pecked by an unknown object, and the pulp was eaten completely, almost only one layer remained. Pi, the owner of the garden surnamed Chen was angry that his efforts were trampled on, and decided to find out the murderer to seek justice. As a result, a group of self-raised geese found a "red face" abnormality on the face, which turned out to be the murderer who stole the dragon fruit.

The owner of the garden surnamed Chen couldn’t help laughing and laughing. The purpose of raising these geese was to eat weeds, but it turned out to be stealing dragon fruit.

Chen Zhijia, the owner of the orchard, said that he has cultivated dragon fruit for many years. He has won the third place in the national evaluation competition of the red meat group and the first place in Changhua many times because of the smooth cultivation of grass. However, he decided to upgrade the orchard to an organic orchard. It is already in the transition stage. For this reason, 12 geese and 12 vegetable ducks have been raised in the orchard since last year for weeding and snail removal. As expected, the optimization of the orchard has been achieved. The dragon fruit is also big and sweet, but this summer After entering the harvest, it began to be reported that the dragon fruit was pecked, and even the pulp was eaten, so he began to investigate, and the result surprised him, it was the geese and ducks that he raised.

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Chen Zhijia said that because dragon fruits are bagged, geese and ducks generally do not deliberately bite them, but once he picked the fruits and put them on the ground to do other things. When he came back, he found a red-faced duck pecking. , He didn't care after driving it away, but the next day, he found that a pitaya fruit was pecked out of a hole on the plant strip.

"It's actually good enough!" Chen Zhijia said. In order to prevent the red-faced ducks from stealing it, they would be locked up after leaving the orchard. However, some fruits were still being pecked, and the pulp was almost eaten. There was only one layer of skin left, which was more ruthless than the red-faced duck. He had to start investigating again and found that several local geese had eaten dragon fruit too much. The strong evidence of the mouth finally caught the murderer.

Chen Zhijia said that he is also surprised that the animals will cooperate with each other in addition to eating well. He consumed 2-30 fruits. Although he was so angry that he posted on Facebook for a public trial, and even wanted to boil it in hot water, he decided to uphold the spirit of friendly agriculture, to be kind to this group of geese and ducks, and to build a friendly organic orchard together.

The flesh of the dragon fruit that was stolen was devoured ruthlessly, leaving almost only a layer of skin.

(reported by Chen Guanbei)

The owner of the garden surnamed Chen found that dragon fruit was often stolen, and the investigation found that it was actually eaten by a native goose that he raised, and it turned into a "red-faced goose", which was basically guarded and stolen.

(reported by Chen Guanbei)

The owner of the garden, Chen Zhijia, said that 12 geese and 12 vegetable ducks were raised in the orchard for weeding and snail removal, and the red-faced duck was the first to be eaten stealthily.

(reported by Chen Guanbei)

Chen Zhijia said that in order to ensure the quality of dragon fruit, the orchard has been upgraded to an organic orchard, which is now in a transitional stage.

(Provided by Chen Zhijia)

The owner of the garden surnamed Chen once guarded the behavior of the geese and ducks for stealing, and was so angry that he posted on Facebook and asked for a public trial.

(flip through Facebook)