The Russian command senselessly chases the ordinary occupiers to their deaths like "cannon fodder".

This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi during his traditional video address on the evening of September 26.

"Despite the obvious senselessness of the war for Russia and the occupiers' loss of initiative, the command of the Russian military is still driving them to their death," he emphasized.

According to the president, the constant attempts of the Russian offensive on Donetsk region can go down in the history of wars as "one of the most cynical murders of one's own soldiers." 

Such actions of Putin's regime convince us that Russian mobilization is a frank attempt to provide commanders on the ground with a constant flow of "cannon fodder."

"There is simply no other meaning in the Russian mobilization. They felt that they were losing, and they are simply trying to delay this moment, to ensure at least some activity on the front, to put at least someone with a weapon in their hands instead of the dead," the president said.

Zelenskyi expressed his regret that the Russian society is not yet aware of the brutality of the Russian government towards its own people.

"But we must do everything so that every citizen of Russia recognizes that his own state is depriving him of the most important thing - the right to life," he concluded.

Earlier, Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that Ukraine presented the project of the Special International Tribunal, which should punish Russia.

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