the Persian land

There used to be many famous great leaders.

One who is well known to the world

Cyrus the Great

(historical tidbits

The Greek Civilized Tracing Book by Cosmos Thai Quality Books, 2014

Cyrus the Great

He had defeated all of them, Lydia, Chaldea, and those who made his name famous.

is to hit Babylon

then expanding the occupied territory

From India to the Mediterranean

and in the south they subdue Egypt.

clear record history

He died in 529 B.C.E.

Before his death, Lord Cyrus ordered a small plain tomb.

to bury him in the city of Pasargadi

The senior Maharaj left only this evidence. When the time came, the senior Maharaj…

of Macedon

The army had passed by... he ordered the army to stop.

Of course, the younger Maharaj

should pay respects to the Maharaj

went to a small cemetery

The great Persian majesty ordered the cemetery to be opened and entered into the coffin.

Inside the cemetery are the following inscriptions:

“Whoever you are, human beings

We are Cyrus the Great

who ruled a vast land

beyond feet to reach

But right now, we only have this address.”

The younger Maharaj read the inscription and was stunned.

ordered to cover the sarcophagus with a black satin cloth

and ordered the cemetery to be closed as usual.

But Alexander the Great's great army

as if an arrow had already been shot from the source.

can't stop

He set his sights on Isfahan.

The nearest city to the crack

and then proceeded to attack Esbatana.

Two cities that have just been captured

After reading the inscription of Cyrus the Great...

The situation was different from other cities in the past.

not cruel

Do not destroy the home of the loser

Especially if it's a country that is submissive, but in a good way...the more His Highness doesn't use violent methods at all.

While Alexander will return the army... He read the situation later that

many cities in his occupied areas.

will be attacked by the Turk army

His Highness ordered to build a protect those nations.

Its hundred miles long is known as the Alexander Wall to this day.

About half of this wall is left.

long days passed

Some towns in Afghanistan

It is the origin of the art of Gandhararat.

The world's first Buddha statue

Alexander the Great...expanded his kingdom greater than Cyrus of Persia...

But in the end, he did not return to the place where he was born in Macedonia.

died in Babylon

The knowledgeable person assumed that after reading the inscription of the great great we only have this address...he came to know the reality of not taking there is no evidence.

Where is his tomb?

kirin pralongchoeng