Chen Jizhong (middle), chairman of the Agriculture Committee, said that his report could be subject to the strictest inspection.

(Photo by reporter Lin Yizhang)

[Reporter Lin Yizhang/Chiayi Report] Bai Qiaoyin, a candidate for the Kaohsiung City Councilman of the Kuomintang, accused Chen Jizhong, the chairman of the Agricultural Committee, of plagiarism in the report on "Research on Direct Payment of Environmental Friendly Agricultural Operations in my country"; Chen Jizhong went to Dongshi, Chiayi County today to produce grains The cooperative inspected the drying center and responded when asked by the media that his report and research were not plagiarized and could be tested with the strictest standards.

Chen Jizhong explained that his own agricultural committee research reports and research published in academic journals at home and abroad can all be tested by the strictest standards.

He said that the executed research report was accused of plagiarism. "It's unwarranted, it's a squid war." In the test under the set conditions, the repetition rate was only 3%. There is no doubt about plagiarism. Standard view of all reports and people on the table.

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Chen Jizhong said that he did not run for election, and he had very strict academic requirements on himself. He hoped that this topic would return to his profession. He heard that some people accused him of repeating 22% of his reports. "This is completely unprofessional." Words are also repeated. The "Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries" is a Japanese government organization, and it is also called repetition. This is obviously a squid war.

Legislator Cai Yiyu said that there are many programs to test papers and researches. The program test of Chen Jizhong's report shows that the repetition is less than 3%, so accusations of plagiarism are "too far." Returning to the local policy itself, the Kuomintang used squid warfare to create the feeling that the world is as black as crows. "In fact, only they are black."