Xizhou Township, Changhua County established Changhua's first legal large-scale sports light aircraft flight field. County Mayor Wang Huimei (left) hopes that the flight field can be combined with Changhua's tourism resources to drive the development of the tourism industry.

(Provided by Changhua County Government)

[Reporter Chen Guanbei/Changhua Report] Xizhou Township, Changhua County has many farmlands and other open spaces, which often attract light aircraft players to fly. Established Changhua's first legal large-scale sports light aircraft flight site in Xizhou Township. Due to the rich natural landscape in Changhua, it is expected to combine with Changhua's tourism resources in the future to drive the development of the surrounding tourism industry.

The Xizhou Airfield covers an area of ​​5 hectares and is located next to the No. 9 Observatory on the north bank of the Zhuoshui River. The airspace covers the entire Changhua City, starting from Changhua City in the north, reaching the coastline in the west, east of the Bagua Mountains in the east, and south of the Zhuoshui River in the south. The largest legal flight field in China, the opening ceremony was held on the 24th, and the county magistrate Wang Huimei and others attended the meeting.

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Wang Huimei said that the sport light aircraft flying activities promoted by the Shunfeng Flying Association are very innovative and high-tech activities. Many of the members of the association are retired fighter pilots. Professional and safe equipment and technology are used to promote flying activities, so that friends who love flying activities can come to Changhua to study with peace of mind, experience flying, and realize their dream of flying to the sky.

"Light aircraft is a very popular air sport in Europe and the United States!" said Rao Ziqiang, chairman of the Downwind Flying Association. The Belgian Rotherford brothers and sisters have completed the feat of circumnavigating the world in light aircraft at the age of 19 and 16 this year. , it means that as long as it is professional and the equipment is safe, flying is not out of reach. This time, we will choose to set up an airfield in Xizhou. The main reason is that the airfield is large enough and successfully passed the EIA, so that Changhua finally has a legal shortcut to fly into the sky.

Rao Ziqiang also said that the current model used by the association is the shark sports competition machine, which has won the first place in the world for 8 consecutive years, with excellent safety and handling. If there are people who want to learn to fly light aircraft , At present, the membership system is adopted, and the general public is also open to air experience tours. In the future, air performances will be held from time to time.

Xizhou Airfield covers an area of ​​5 hectares and is located next to the No. 9 Observatory on the north bank of Zhuoshui River. It is currently the largest legal light aviation airfield in China.

(Photo taken from the Tailwind Flying Association website)

The airspace of Xizhou Airfield covers the whole of Changhua, starting from Changhua City in the north, the coastline in the west, the Bagua Mountains in the east, and the Zhuoshui River in the south.

(Photo taken from the Tailwind Flying Association website)

The sports light aircraft promoted by the Shunfeng Flying Association are mainly shark sports competition aircraft, and the Xizhou flight site is open to the public to learn light aircraft and air experience.

(Provided by Changhua County Government)