What holiday is September 26 in the church calendar

On September 26,

the memory of St. Cornelius is

commemorated .

What do we know about this day?

The church calendar for September 26 is the day of commemoration of St. Cornelius

On Monday, September 26, 2022, the church honors the memory of St. Cornelius.

According to the New Testament, Cornelius was one of the Gentiles who honored the God of Israel but did not join the Jewish community.

One day an angel appeared to Cornelius and told him to find Saint Peter.

The man obeyed the instruction, and Peter baptized him in his house.

Cornelius is considered the first pagan to convert to Christianity.

Later, with Peter's blessing, he became a bishop and became famous for destroying a pagan temple in the city of Skepsia, after which many residents believed in Christ.

Church calendar for September 26: video

Folk signs

  • Eat radish on this day - you will rarely get sick

  • Put turnips on the table - to peace in the family

  • A lot of clean, pot-bellied, golden turnips in the garden - to wealth in the house

What not to do on September 26

  • It is forbidden to break the mirror

  • No parties are allowed

  • It is better to postpone cleaning the house.