Taipei mayoral candidate Chiang Wan-an is sweeping the streets of Changchun Market today.

(Photo by reporter Tu Jianrong)

[Reporter Cai Yahua/Taipei Report] The media person Zhou Yukou recently beat the Kuomintang Taipei mayoral candidate Jiang Wanan's father Jiang Xiaoyan's past scandals, and the former Times Power Legislator Huang Guochang criticized him for not accepting such a lewd election method, and the non-party Taipei mayoral candidate Huang Shanshan also lamented in a Facebook post that elections should not be dehumanized.

In response, Jiang Wanan said in an interview in Changchun Market this morning that no rational people could accept such a vicious election style, and the only countermeasure was to bravely stand up and express condemnation.

Jiang Wanan said that he believes that everyone knows that justice is greater than political interests. Such inferior election practices should not appear in a democratic society. Now the only way to counteract is for everyone to stand up bravely and express condemnation to such a vicious election style. , also voted against such a poor electoral culture on the day of voting on November 26, expressing dissatisfaction.

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In response to Huang Shanshan’s statement that elections should not be dehumanized, Jiang Wanan sneered that Chen Shizhong, the DPP mayoral candidate for Taipei, collided on the surface and colluded in secret. Do you think Zhou Yukou is a neutral media person?

How many people in Taiwan would believe it.

Jiang Wanan also said that Chen Shizhong was kidnapped by such a vicious election style, yielded to the pressure of threats, and did not dare to say a word, so he said this, is it an insider who speaks a layman?

Or is he really a puppet manipulated by the DPP, and the people can see it very clearly.

Kuomintang North City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin also issued a document stating that Chen Shizhong and Zhou Yukou are both "jade times". Jiang Wanan said with a smile that Xu Qiaoxin is actually very understanding and very creative. Now the Taipei citizens he contacts, everyone wants to know who can tell the Taipei Municipal He drew specific visions and continued to present policy beef. During this period, he proposed many policy visions, which were affirmed and responded positively by many citizens.

Jiang Wanan recently pointed out that Chen Shizhong is the "little brother" of the DPP. Chen Shizhong countered that Jiang Wanan used the term of underworld to describe government officials as immoral. Jiang Wanan said that according to the DPP's gang-governing practice, this is just right.