The DPP Taipei mayoral candidate Chen Shizhong's lawyer support club was established yesterday. Chen Shizhong promised that if he is elected mayor, he will show a strong style, so that Taipei and Taiwan can be more secure.

(Photo by reporter Fang Bin)

[Reporter He Yuhua/Taipei Report] The DPP Taipei mayoral candidate Chen Shizhong's lawyers' support club was established yesterday, with more than 300 lawyers jointly supporting. All can firmly maintain Taiwan's position. The characteristics of calm, warmth, firmness and wisdom are people who can do things well; Chen Shizhong was very moved and promised that if he is elected mayor, he will live up to everyone's expectations and show strong internal and external performance. Style, so that Taipei and Taiwan can be more secure.

Chen: If elected, he will show a strong style

The Kuomintang and non-party Taipei mayor candidates Jiang Wanan and Huang Shanshan were both lawyers, but the Chen Shizhong Lawyers Support Association was first established yesterday; Hong Weisheng said that many people must have asked why they did not support the mayor candidate who is also a lawyer, because Taipei City and the public need A mayor of the capital who "looks down on his fellow citizens internally and himself externally".

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Hong Weisheng said that the mayor of Taipei must fully respect every citizen in a progressive city, and will look at Taipei City with heart and brain, not with nose, or with the eyes of powerful elites; Taipei citizens are diverse, flesh-and-blood and warm people. , not with big data full of business opportunities, the future mayor should not regard citizens as a string of data or information they want to collect, as the object of big data analysis; time to go".

These don't seem to be very difficult requirements, but only Chen Shizhong can do it.

Chen Shizhong said that legal training is very important, so as to improve the legal literacy of citizens and city government personnel, they will not make some assumptions, and the society will have a consensus and will not be confused.

Chen Shizhong responded to the content of Hong Weisheng's speech, saying that Taipei is the Taipei of the world. To let the world see Taipei, the mayor of the capital must make a difference, show a strong style both internally and externally, and bring Taiwan to another realm; "No surrender", "non-surrender" is the most basic concept. If the whole people have this concept, Taiwan will be protected; when the world sees Taipei, Taipei and Taiwan will also be protected. This is what everyone can do in their role. If you can do something, you can do it, and Taiwan will be safe.