The people are dissatisfied with the neighbors who keep their domestic dogs to urinate and urinate, and they actually kill them with poison, and they will face penalties and civil compensation lawsuits.

(provided by the public)

[Reporter Liu Yuqing/Penghu Report] A man in Magong City had an urge to poison the dog just because his neighbor kept his dog urinating and urinating freely. After the case, it was thought that the most money would be lost; lawyer Gui Xiangsheng, the legal counsel of the Penghu County Animal Protection Association, said that not only was there a penalty, but the owner could also claim compensation.

The investigation of the Magong Police Branch pointed out that a man surnamed Ji (60 years old) living in Xingrenli, Magong City, was dissatisfied with the house dog kept by his neighbor Cai's family, and he had murderous intentions. At 8 o'clock on the evening of the 17th, he took a piece of The poisoned pork was thrown into the Cai's yard, and was accidentally eaten by the dog bound in the yard. After the poison erupted, he vomited and diarrhoea. Although the owner was rushed to the livestock hospital for rescue, he was still unable to recover.

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The dog is an adopted stray dog. The Cai family has been raised since childhood. The three generations of the family have long regarded it as a family member. They were very angry about the poisoning of their dog, so they reported the case to the police station. When the man surnamed came to the case, he told the Cai family that it was a big deal to lose money, but he did not know that he had violated the criminal responsibility of the Animal Protection Law. A fine of less than 10,000 yuan.

In addition, lawyer Gui Xiangsheng, the legal counsel of the Penghu County Animal Protection Association, said that although the law still defines pets as things, and the owners cannot apply for consolation money for infringements on things, however, due to the aging population and low birthrate in recent years, pets have become As a member of the Chinese family, the concept of animal rights has gradually received more attention. At present, two or three court decisions have set a precedent, allowing owners to request compensation for mental damage.

Therefore, in addition to the criminal responsibility of the animal protection law, the suspect of the poisoned dog in this case may also have to pay compensation for property and spiritual damage to the owner.