When to salt peeled boiled potatoes

If you put salt in cold water together with potatoes, the salt will not dissolve well, and the potatoes may also boil.

Therefore, boiled peeled potatoes should be salted 5-7 minutes after the water boils.

In this case, the potatoes keep their shape well.

When to salt potatoes in uniforms

Usually, in this form, vegetables are prepared for salads, in which case there is no need to salt the potatoes at all.

The water in which potatoes are cooked with the skin is usually not salted, so as not to deprive the tubers of their natural taste.

If we are talking about using potatoes in uniforms for food, then you need to salt them at the moment of boiling.

When to salt mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are boiled in water that is salted at the moment of boiling or 5-10 minutes after.

It is very important not to oversalt the dish, as this cannot be corrected.

If necessary, it is better to add salt to the puree to taste when adding milk.

When to salt fried potatoes

The earlier you salt the fried potatoes, the more they will resemble stewed potatoes: they will be soft, with no ruddy, crunchy crust.

In order for the potatoes to be pleasantly crunchy, they should be salted no earlier than 5–7 minutes before they are ready.

If it's French fries, you need to salt them only in a plate, otherwise they won't crisp up.

When to salt potatoes when stewing

If the potatoes are stewed in the sauce, there is no need to salt them, because the sauce itself is salty.

You can salt the potatoes to taste, 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking or already on the plate. 

Read also:

  • 10 unusual uses of starch: not only in cooking

  • How to store potatoes in an apartment or cellar so that they do not sprout and spoil

  • What will happen if you eat potatoes every day: 7 little-known facts about "second bread"