Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the Democratic Progressive Party, went to Bailan Market to ask for votes.

(Photo by reporter He Yuhua)

[Reporter He Yuhua/Taipei Report] Chen Shizhong, a candidate for the Taipei mayoral election of the Democratic Progressive Party, said today (22) that the mayor of Taipei, Ke Wenzhe, who is also the chairman of the People's Party, said today (22nd), "It looks like a bully wants to sexually assault a girl, and the girl bites a bite in order to resist. Everyone says why they bite." He came to take grievances for Gao Hongan, the mayoral candidate of the Hsinchu People's Party, and believed that politicians should not use gender to comment on current affairs, which is disrespectful.

Gao Hongan caused the "War School" turmoil due to her essay. Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe, who is also the chairman of the People's Party, took grievances for her today (22), saying, "It's like a bully wants to sexually assault a girl, and the girl bites in order to resist, and everyone says Why bite?”

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Chen Shizhong went to the Bailailan market in Daan District to ask for votes today. When asked if Ke Wenzhe made a blunder, "His blunder is not news." Politicians should avoid using gender issues to describe current affairs, which is disrespectful.