What holiday is September 23 in the church calendar

On September 23,

the memory of Saints Peter and Paul is

commemorated .

What do we know about this day?

The church calendar for September 23 is the day of commemoration of Saints Peter and Paul

On Friday, September 23, 2022, the church honors the memory of Saints Peter and Paul.

On September 23, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saints Peter and Paul, bishops of Nicaea.

In the 9th century, during the reign of Leo the Isaverian, Saint Peter defended the Orthodox faith from iconoclasts and suffered for it.

Four letters of Saint Theodore the Studite to Saint Peter are known.

No information has been preserved about the life of Paul, who also preached Orthodoxy in Nicaea.

Church calendar for September 23: video

Folk signs

  • A large rowan crop - there will be a rainy autumn and a cold winter.

  • A lot of moss on the stumps - wait for wet weather.

What not to do on September 23

  • You cannot start new affairs, quarrel with loved ones, or be in a bad mood

  • You can't wish someone harm or think about evil, hold a grudge

  • It is not good to abuse alcohol, and also to overeat