Keelung Mayor Lin Youchang said that the construction of a relay house in Qidu this year will speed up the replacement of the elderly in danger.

(Photo by reporter Lu Xianxiu)

[Reporter Lu Xianxiu/Report from Keelung] The collapse of residential buildings in the Huadong earthquake has attracted attention to the issue of endangering the elderly. Today is also the National Disaster Prevention Day on September 21. Keelung Mayor Lin Youchang said today that the biggest problem encountered by Keelung’s urban renewal or endangering the elderly is participation. The urban residents have no place to live. The city of Keelung will start the construction of relay houses this year to accelerate the promotion of the elderly urban residents.

The renovations of dangerous elderly cities such as Anle Phase I State House and Lianhong Community in Keelung City have all reached a bottleneck, and the progress is slow.

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In an interview today, Lin Youchang said that the relevant laws and plans and policies are already in place. The more difficult issue facing counties and cities is the consensus on property rights. There is no will, and the city government continues to advocate to improve the will of the people.

The most important package is that the residents who participate in the city have no place to live. They only have one house in their whole life. One family of three or six lives in this house. It will take 3 years and 5 years to rebuild without a place to live. Therefore, the city government will start the construction of relay houses in Qidu this year to accommodate the residents of the dangerous elderly city.

Huang Xixian, a candidate for the mayor of Keelung without a party membership, said that there are many public and state-owned spaces in Keelung that can be used as "relay houses" for Dugen, but they are stuck in the Central Construction Department and the Du Geng Center has not moved. He calls on the central government to act.

Huang Xixian said that according to the data released by the Construction Department of the Ministry of the Interior, as of the end of August this year, Keelung City had 4 "approved urban renewal cases" and 10 "approved cases for the reconstruction plan of the dangerous old". The “Plan” has been implemented; 0 households have completed the self-construction of social housing. Although the first Qidu social housing project is planned to have 450 households, it will not be completed until 2027.

Huang Xixian said that Mayor Lin Youchang said that the city government had repeatedly discussed with the central government and offered a lot of state and public land as a "relay house" for the capital, but it could not be implemented smoothly.

Huang Xixian proposed that "the public office is the solution to ensure the safety of living!" When he took office, he would request the Metropolitan Office to speed up the consolidation of the residential land in the Metropolis. The relay house can be transformed into a social house, and it will also seek and verify the "seismic mark" of the new house after the Taiwan Architecture Center.

Huang Xixian, a candidate for the mayor of Keelung without a party membership, wants to speed up the promotion of the elderly at risk.

(Photo by reporter Lu Xianxiu)