In the past, when there was a Cold War

The world is divided into two poles.

The first pole is liberal countries with the US as the leader.

Learned a few days ago that the Cold War broke out in 1945. Later, US President Harry S. Truman issued a Truman Declaration to help countries threatened by communism.

The Soviet Union responded by establishing Cominform, or Communist news agency.

The US issued the Marshall Plan to lead the creation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation of Europe (OEEC). The Soviet Union responded by creating Comecon, a communist world economic aid organization.

1949 The Free World nations established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, as a military co-operation.

To prevent Soviet invasion of 1955, the Soviet Union responded by establishing a treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance.

Or the Warsaw Pact Organization WTO, the NATO military organization and Warsaw, made both sides paranoid.

Tensions in world politics

and made European countries split into 2 camps

The preamble of the Warsaw Pact states that it wants to restore the military and oppose NATO membership. There are eight member states of the WTO: the USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia.

The Democratic Republic of Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania On July 1, 1991, the President of Czechoslovakia announced the repeal of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance.

Officially, the WTO was only 36 years old, and its collapse was only months before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Since then, NATO's eldest U.S. has dragged its tail around 1991. China and Russia have been exhausted.

therefore did not dare to resist the power of the United States and those

The turnover date has been around for 10 years. On June 15, 2001, Russia and China invited Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz and Tajikistan.

Established a political, economic and military organization known as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), some called the Shanghai Covenant.

Needless to say, the sore throat was explained by the fact that the SCO was created to fight NATO. The SCO now has eight member states, India and Pakistan.

The meeting was held in earnest continuously.

The 22nd meeting was held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on September 15-16, 2022. Now there is a brand-new member of the SCO, Iran. You read the list of countries and you will see the polarization of the world clearly

and would have imagined an intense battle that would begin once again.

At the 22nd meeting, Chinese President Xi Jinping invited SCO members to join the GSI. GSI is the Global Security Initiative.

This is a security integration approach that the Chinese government has presented on the principle of

'Security of a country

It must not be dependent on the budget of another country.'

Please do not underestimate SCO, even though it seems to be an underdog.

Yet in terms of population, the SCO comprises nearly 50 percent of the world's population.

It occupies more than 60 percent of Eurasia


Each country cannot be alone.

Being alone, being deceived by a ghost, will tell you

Must live in groups and must be humble in their own groups

At the 22nd meeting just passed, Xi Jinping used the term 'Shanghai Spirit' to inspire SCO members to unity, foster one another and have a common future.

What is difficult for China to become a member of?

But if it can be, then it will be dedicated.

This work is the same.

China is now funding counter-terrorism.

Take the staff of 2,000 SCO members for tactical training.

In addition, he is determined to bring the money to provide emergency support of 1,500 million yuan (7.9 billion baht) to developing countries.

focusing on food management

I hope SCO can stand with NATO longer than WTO or the Warsaw Pact Organization.

Nitikarun Mingruchiralai