After the case of food poisoning of children from a sports school in Plovdiv, inspections continue in school cafeterias and cafeterias.

A specific emphasis will be on checking the quality of food products.

Foods that are produced according to an established standard, according to the Bulgarian state standard, must be present in the school menu.

Expiry dates and how they are stored will be looked at.

All food establishments will be checked - both school canteens where cooking is done on site and where there is canteen catering.

This was stated by the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) at a media briefing.

The most common serious violations are expired, especially in a school setting this should not be left.

Other violations are that the food is not of an approved standard, the agency specifies.

Fruits and vegetables cannot be packed in advance.

They must be supplied by regulated suppliers, must be fresh, have no injuries and be in good condition, the BABH also stated.

The inspectors will check from 14.09.

until 14.10.2022, all chairs, buffets and objects under the Food Law on the territory of schools throughout the country.

BABH inspects school chairs and buffets

The origin and proper storage of raw materials and food will be checked;

food storage terms;

compliance with the requirements for providing food information to consumers, labeling, etc.

During the inspections, it will be ensured that the available food meets the requirements of Ordinance No. 2 of January 20, 2021 on the specific requirements for the safety and quality of food offered in childcare facilities, school canteens and retail outlets on the territory of schools and on childcare facilities, as well as food offered at organized events for children and students.





school chairs