The August 27 agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia to remove documents for entry and exit is a solution to the Open Balkans, according to the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama.

From the Open Balkans summit that was held on Friday in Belgrade, the head of the Albanian government thanked the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vučić, for reaching this agreement because, according to him, it gave a message to everyone - that of peace.

He even said that the agreement would have been reached in time, if Kosovo was part of this regional initiative.

Such statements are manipulation and shameful according to those familiar with the political situation in Kosovo.

The Professor of Political Sciences, Dritëro Arifi, in a statement for the Telegraph, stated that it is strange how an Albanian prime minister makes such statements, as he called them, hypothetical.

"I didn't expect it from an Albanian prime minister because if it had been like that, if Albania has that power, it should have fixed this earlier - so Serbia recognizes Kosovo and we don't have such problems," Arifi said.

"Therefore, thanking Serbia because it achieved peace, I think is manipulation and at the same time shameful by an Albanian prime minister.

Now, if we talk about license plates, which is a bigger problem than the one for entry/exit documents, Prime Minister Rama has the opportunity, as the leader of the Open Balkans, to tell Serbia to recognize Kosovo's license plates. he continues.

Professor of Political Sciences, Dritëro Arifi

Meanwhile, analyst Gazmir Raci called Rama's statements in Belgrade absurd and a political 'bluff' to justify the goals of this regional initiative.

"It is absurd what Prime Minister Rama said that the agreement on the documents would be resolved within the Open Balkans.

This agreement is from 2011, when there was no "Open Balkans" in the head of any regional or local politician.

It is a political 'bluff' to justify the goals of this regional initiative", said Raci for Telegrafin.

"Imagine how difficult it was to reach an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia on the documents even with American and European mediation, let alone resolve it within the Open Balkans where there is no international guarantor", he added.

According to him, the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue is not related to the Open Balkans, since the latter is an economic initiative, while the problems between the two countries are historical.

"If Serbia does not recognize Kosovo, then there is no stability in the Western Balkans".

Political analyst, Gazmir Raci

Strange for Arif and Raci is Prime Minister Rama's call for Turkey, Greece, Italy and Hungary to become members of 'Open Balkan'.

According to Professor Arifi, such a statement is more for political show.

"As for the invitation by the Albanian Prime Minister to Greece, Italy and Hungary, I can say that it is also ridiculous because they are EU member countries and have responsibilities towards the member countries of the union in terms of trade issues.

It doesn't seem very serious to me, it's more of a political show," he said.

Meanwhile, Raci said that it is incomprehensible what the member countries of the European Union want to ask for in an initiative of Rama and Vucic.

"The six states of the Western Balkans have the most serious initiative, that of Berlin, which can offer sustainable and guaranteeing regional cooperation", he declared.

"The Open Balkans would only be true if Kosovo was treated by Serbia equally as Albania and Macedonia.

We cannot be there just to say we are.

The equality of states is much more important than a photo of the leaders of the Balkans".


