"We continue the change

Kiril Petkov and Asen Vassilev presented their political project "We continue the change" (PP) registered its list for 25 MIR-Sofia.

The registration decision is published on the website of 25 RICs.

The leader of the list of the coalition will be Hristo Petkov.

He was a deputy in the previous 47th National Assembly.

Miroslav Ivanov once again leads the list of "Continuing the Change" in Yambol

The PP lists for 25 MIR-Sofia:

1. Hristo Hristov Petrov

2. Kalina Borislavova Konstantinova

3. Venetia Ognyanova Netsova-Angova

4. Tsvetelina Kalinova Simeonova-Zarkin

5. Stoil Miroslavov Stoilov

6. Alexandra Valentinova Korcheva

7. Georgi Valeriev Zlatkov

8. Iskren Nikolaev Mitev

9. Nikol Atanasova Levakova

10. Velislava Ivanova Petrova

11. Nikola Ivanov Alexiev

12. Ivo Ivanov Dimovski

13. Desislava Vasileva Traikova

14. Alexander Borislavov Sarafov

15. Simona Petrova Simeonova

16. Nastimir Ananiev Ananiev

We continue the change