"The management of the Ministry of Health created depots in a place with special conditions for the study, examination and subsequent storage of skeletal remains of persons who went missing during the First Karabakh War. We keep them there."

According to APA, this was announced today by the Forensic Medicine of the Ministry of Health at the conference dedicated to the International Day of the Missing, organized by the State Commission on Prisoners and Missing and Hostaged Citizens and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Adalat Hasanov, director of the Pathological Anatomy Union, said.

Adalat Hasanov said that the Ministry of Health has set aside a separate place for this purpose: "When the bone remains are presented to us, they are taken to that department. We have created the II Forensic Forensic Forensics Department of the Forensic Expertise and Pathological Anatomy Unit. There, the examinations are recorded together with the employees of the Military Prosecutor's Office. And then it is kept in special warehouses there."