Albania's demographic statistics are becoming more and more worrying, with a negative record of registrations in the country's schools, meanwhile with over 10 thousand applicants in those abroad, not including the news where only today 700 Albanians have arrived illegally on the shores of Britain Great.

According to sociologist Gëzim Tushi, the situation in our country should not be done with superficial nor politicized analyses.

"It's true that people need to move, but we need to focus on the factors that lead to this abandonment, which is a national emergency," he says.

The youth phenomenon is the most disturbing.

"Abandonment is being done by young people and educated people, with important specialties.

It is no longer a matter of numbers.

The magnet of the West is normal that will always attract us, our country has not reached the stability to be admirable to live, seeing corruption, nepotism, opportunities.

Europe needs us, Merkel clearly said that they are fixing the labor market with immigrants, but meanwhile we are shrinking and aging, we are already a white-haired society", he says to A2 CNN.

According to the sociologist, there are no shortage of paradoxes.

"But even there, in the countries of destination, our young people face difficult situations, loss of status, and return to Albania again with the hope of a restart, but remain disappointed for the second time.

So they remain with suitcases in hand, with the awareness that they are Europeans and there is no need to stay in one country.

What the individual does with himself, in a global society, no one can prevent him, but for politics to cooperate, this is then anti-national.

Albania needs a strategy in all areas, while we have megalomaniacs in politics but not culture, you can see the parliament, but the development of the country cannot be done with mediocre people", analyzes Tushi.