The situation with African swine fever is stable, there is no new outbreak.

Since yesterday, 1,305 pigs have been killed and destroyed without harm, announced the director of the Food and Veterinary Agency (AUV), Nikolçe Babovski, at today's first meeting of the Coordinating Body established by the Government's decision.

The meeting was held at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MBPEU), while Babovski, in his capacity as chairman of the Coordinating Body for improving institutional coordination and taking measures to deal with this disease, informed the other members that in the protective areas of three kilometers and in the areas under surveillance in a radius of 10 kilometers around the hotspots, the defined measures are applied without problem.

"The condition of the disease is stable since the confirmation of the last case in Obleshevo on the 12th of this month, that is, fortunately, at the moment there is no new outbreak confirmed.

All hot spots with confirmed positive cases have been closed, depopulation measures have been fully implemented in 3. Since yesterday, 1305 pigs have been killed and removed without harm in the 3 km areas.

"Measures for active and passive surveillance of the African swine fever disease are implemented throughout the territory of the country," said Director Babovski, Tv21 broadcasts.

In order to control the spread of the virus and prevent the economic losses of pig farmers, especially in commercial farms, Babovski added, it is inevitable to continue cooperation in the implementation of measures by all stakeholders in this sector.

The conclusion was reached that AUV and MBPEU propose to the Government in the shortest possible time the formation of a dedicated intervention fund with a proposed budget, for the rapid and timely implementation of measures for the control and eradication of African swine fever .