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Saint Myron was from a rich and noble family.

He was a priest in Achaia.

People loved and respected him because he had a good character, was wise and philanthropic.

In the time of Decius, on the Nativity of Christ, pagans rushed to the temple where Myron was serving.

In their anger they threw him into a very hot furnace, but Myron came out unscathed.

This miracle enraged the tormentors and especially the judge Antipater even more.

We honor St.

Venerable Maxim the Confessor and St.


He ordered that Myron's skin be flayed from head to toe.

The martyr caught one such strap from his skin and hit the judge in the face with it, who was terrified, took the sword and killed himself.

Finally, St. Myron was taken to the city of Cyzicus and there he was cut with a sword.

This happened in the year 250.

we honor

St. Martyr Myron Presbyter