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8,656 motor vehicles were checked as part of the ordered specialist police operation to comply with the Road Traffic Act.

Control of 11,408 drivers and passengers was carried out, the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced.

To date, 4,252 slips and 668 acts have been drawn up for established administrative violations.

Emphasis in the action is the prohibition of driving by drivers who have consumed alcohol, narcotic substances and/or their analogues, as well as driving of motor vehicles by unlicensed drivers.

In the last 24 hours - 25 drunk and 12 drugged drivers were caught

Within the past day, a total of 26 drivers were found to have gotten behind the wheel after consuming alcohol - 17 of them drove after consuming alcohol from 0.5 to 1.2 per thousand, 9 - with more than 1.2 per 1000, five have refused a test.

11 people were caught driving under the influence of narcotic substances or their analogues, and five others, stopped for inspection, refused to be tested.

The data are intermediate and include results received up to 4 p.m.

drugged driver

Ministry of the Interior

police action

drunk drivers